Just as the saying goes "many days for the thief and one day for the
owner". In the case of these three criminals their days were numbered as
God decide to exposed them. This event took place about two weeks ago
when some group of 419 people "One Chance" who disguised to be Taxi
carried a girl in Rumuola Port Harcourt, Nigeria inside their car, not
knowing to the girl. Getting to around St. Johns Bus-stop they pushed
the girl out collecting her money, GSM, and other valuable things, the
girl started shouting thief! thief!! thief!!!. luckily for her there was
traffic jam in Garrison where they caught the One Chance people, and
trust Port Harcourt boys, they gave them the beating they will never
forget in life time, Striped them NAK3D etc. I think this is a good
lesson for them, so you that is into any form of fraud, better stop as
your day might be worse.